
Biography of Prof. Dr. Ir. Lusmeilia Afriani, D.E.A., I.P.M. The First Female Chancellor in the University of Lampung


Biography of Prof. Dr. Ir. Lusmeilia Afriani, D.E.A., I.P.M. The First Female Chancellor in the University of Lampung

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Prof. Dr. Ir. Lusmeilia Afriani, D.E.A., I.P.M.

Bandar Lampung, (Potensinews.id) – Prof. Dr. Ir. Lusmeilia Afriani, D.E.A., I.P.M. has elected as Chancellor of the University of Lampung (Unila) for the 2023–2027 period in the second phase of the election by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Unila Senate, on Wednesday, December 28 2022.

Information compiled by Potensinews.id, Prof. Dr. Ir. Lusmeilia Afriani DEA IPM was born in Palembang on May 10, 1965. She is the eldest child of the couple Razioen (died 2016) and Dra. Lensiyana (died 2017). During her father life, he worked in a private pharmacy in Bandar Lampung, while her mother worked as a civil servant teacher (PNS) at SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung and was the Principal of SMAN 1 Sidomulyo South Lampung, until finally retired as Principal of SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung.

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Lusmeilia Afriani is the eldest of six children. Her five younger siblings, named dr. Derry Elfina, S.Ked., Sp.Rad., M.Kes. (Tidar Yanto’s husband, S.H., M.H.), dr. Erfin Muhapril, Sp.P. (wife of dr. Evi Handayani. Sp.T.H.T.), drg. Okwini Mutiana, M. Kes. (husband Dr. Indrawan Yahya, Sp.O.G.), Septa Hirwansyah, S.E. (wife of Ananda Nurul Islah Nasition, S.E.), and Oksya Hikmawan, S.T.Pm, M.Sc. (wife of Marisa Naufa, M.Sc.).

Lusmeilia is married to Ir. Yan Juansyah, D.E.A. who currently serves as the dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Malahayati University, Bandar Lampung.

They have been blessed by two children, namely dr. Zaraz Obella Nuradliyani, S.Ked. (currently continuing her Masters in Occupational Safety Education at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia) and Zaraz Elodya Ramadania (student of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lampung).

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In 1993, Lusmeilia was trusted to become a civil servant lecturer assigned to the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Lampung until now.

Educational Background:

– Diploma in Civil Engineering, University of Lampung (1988)

– Barchelor Degree in Civil Engineering, ITS Surabaya (1991)

– Masters in Civil Engineering, Universite de Caen, France (1999)

– Doctoral Degree in Civil Engineering, Universite de Nantes, France (2004)

History of Career :

– Deputy Dean I of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Lampung (2005–2009)

– Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Lampung (2009–2013)

– Deputy Chancellor IV for Cooperation, University of Lampung (2015)

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– Head of Soil Mechanics Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, University of Lampung (2014–2020)

– Head of Institute for Research and Community Service/LP2M (2020–present)

– Chancellor of University of Lampung (2023–2027)


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